You take the 500 florins from the wallet, and flush the wallet down the toilet because you don't give a shit. You go on a shopping spree and use up all that money. The man with the caterpillar on his face never finds his wallet ever again.
After school, you take the wallet to a police station because you're such a good samaritan. You find out that the man with the caterpillar on his face is actually a wanted pedophile that they couldn't arrest because they didn't have enough proof, and the pictures in the wallet were just the proof they needed. A week later they arrest the man and you are now a local hero! The end
You give mosta 3.50 for his lunch, because what you did was really bad and is also a hate crime.
You call him a fat fuck again, not giving a shit about what just happened because you're a fearless motherfucker. Mosta, in all of his anger and confusion, eats himself. He no longer exists. You win at life because you're a badass motherfucker.
You're walking at school during a free period, and you see mosta sitting alone eating taco bell. You \nA: [[Call him a fat fuck|Fat]] \nB: [[Encourage him to eat healthier|Healthy]] \nC: [[Just say whaddup and walk to the cantine because you're bored|Boredom]]
You walk to the computer room anyways, hoping that Jundarr is too distracted to notice. He does. He stops you right before you enter and starts talking about how much he loves fucking pregnant women. You\nA: [[listen to what he's saying|listen]]\nB: [[roundhouse kick him in the fucking face|roundhouse]]
You apologize to mosta, feeling really sorry for what you've done, but explain to him that it was his fault for ignoring what you said. Mosta can't hear anything, because mosta is now deaf. You walk away slowly and never speak about this to anyone ever again.
You try and run away after seeing what happened to that student, when suddenly mosta says: "snitches get stitches", and eats you so that there's no witnesses.
Free food AND a ps4? Mosta is extremely motivated and you coach him to become the ultimate fat fuck. At the competition, he eats everything and everyone at the competition because of how badly he wants that ps4. You take all of the money while the police is fighting that fat fuck, and end up using it on drugs and hookers. The end
After seeing what happened, you frantically call 911 and tell them what happened. They all laugh at you and tell you that prank calling 911 is an illegal offense. Before you can explain everything, Tangaheey, who is now a police officer AND judge, teleports behind you and sentences you to 69 years in prison with NO possibility of parole. You spend the rest of your life in jail, the end.
You call mosta a fat fuck again, and in his fit of rage, he tries to find something to eat in his angry hunger, so he goes all kirby and eats a student walking in the background faster than you can say "what the fuck". You \nA:[[run the hell out of there because this motherfucker just ate another human being right in front of you|sprint]] \nB: [[Call the police|police]] \nC: [[Call him a fat fuck again|Fatfuck]]
You call mosta a fat fuck, and surprisingly, he tells you to fuck off while eating his burrito in one bite in his anger. You \nA: [[Call him a fat fuck again|Fatty]] \nB: [[Are amazed at seeing him eat a whole burrito in one bite, and encourage him to go in the 1st annual eating contest next week|encourage]] \nC: [[Go to the cantine to see if there's anything to do because you're bored|Boredom]]
Amazed at what you just saw, you try and convince mosta to enter in the 1st annual eating contest next week. He is very interested in joining as he can eat everything he wants while only being judged by the food judges themselves, and agrees to let you coach him. The prize for the contest is 1 million dollars. You \nA: [[tell him what the prize is and split the money 50-50|truth]] \nB: [[Lie to him and tell him that the prize is a ps4, which you will buy for 400 dollars while keeping the rest for yourself|ps4]]
You call him a fat fuck, and stand there till he says something back. You die a few weeks later from dehydration and lack of food, and also muscle atrophy from standing for 5 weeks straight. The end.
You walk to the cantine. On the way you see a wallet on the ground. You \nA: [[Grab the wallet|Grab]] \nB: [[ignore the wallet|ignore]]
Just a regular day
You kick the fucker in the jaw while he's down, and there's blood everywhere. You check to see if there's a pulse, there isn't. You\nA: [[Hide the body|hide]]\nB: [[Leave the body there as an example to everyone else|example]]\nC: [[Call him a fat fuck|call]]
He keeps talking about all his fetishes, some weird japanese shit, and more fucked up stuff. You slowly feel yourself going mad as you think to yourself, "it's okay, he HAS to stop talking eventually right?". He does, about 3 hours later. You lose 20 I.Q points and cry yourself to sleep that night. The end
You run away to the olc, because throwing someone's burrito in a trashcan usually doesn't get positive feedback. Mosta tries to run after you but, being that he weighs 400 pounds, he tires out in 0.69 nanoseconds. You enter the olc and encounter Jundarr trying to talk to some girls. You \nA: [[Turn back and walk to the cantine instead|Boredom]] \nB: [[Walk by and go to the computer room anyways|computer]]\nC: [[Roundhouse kick the motherfucker|roundhouse]]
You grab mosta's burrito and throw it in the garbage can. He looks at you in shock, either he's going to beat the shit out of you or he's scared shitless by you. In any case, you break the silence immediately by telling him that he should start eating healthier, and consider joining a gym. He thinks about it, and completely ignores what you said. Still furious about his burrito, he tells you that you owe him three fiddy for his lunch. You \nA: [[give him 3.50 because what you did was wrong and everyone's weight problem is their own problem|money]] \nB: [[ Punch him in his fat fucking face|punch]] \nC: [[run away and hide in the olc because you didn't know what the fuck you were doing|run]]
You punch him in his fat fucking face for ignoring your wisdom. His face is fucked up and his glasses are broken. You \n\nA: [[Apologize because you have absolutely no control over your actions|apologize]] \nB: [[Kick him in the jaw|kick]]
You hide the body in the bathroom, because nobody would notice a rotting carcas in a public school bathroom right? You eventually feel guilty about the whole thing, and eat a kfc bucket in his honor. The end
You grab the wallet and see what's inside. It belongs to some guy with a caterpillar on his face. Really creepy. It has about 500 florins in it and pictures of little children. You\nA: [[Take the wallet to the police because that is the right thing to do|give]]\nB: [[Throw the wallet in a trash can because the picture is creeping you out|throw]]\nC:[[Take the money and flush the wallet down a toilet|toilet]]
In your disgust, you throw away the wallet in the trash can and go about your business for the rest of the day. For a few months, you get nightmares about the man with the caterpillar on his face and eventually seek out professional help. The end
You ignore the wallet, and proceed straight to the cantine. Nothing exciting happens there and you spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing. the end
You tell him the truth about the prize, and you start training him for the big competition. He ends up gaining 700 kg, but still wins the competition. You gain half a million dollars and invest it wisely and eventually become a millionaire. Mosta on the other hand uses all the money for liposuction and ends up being the exact same weight he was before. The end
You leave the body in the middle of school grounds as an example to everyone. Obviously nobody dares move the body because they're so scared of you. 7 people die of meningitis because of the unhygienic conditions of having a dead body rotting in the middle of school, the end.
Without giving a second thought, you roundhouse kick Jundarr in the face so hard, he literally disintegrates. The girls he was talking to fall in love with you, and you become the most popular person in school. The end